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BIOCLAD AntiMicrobial Safety Flooring

Generations Flooring works directly with manufacturers, mills and retailers to make available the best flooring products at competitively low prices. 

BioClad® leads the way in creating hygienic spaces for leading brands in health, food, education, leisure, pharmaceuticals and much more. Boasting antimicrobial BioCote® technology, BioClad® products are designed to fight bacteria and microbes to uphold a fully hygienic environment.

BioClad®'s BioFloor® contains revolutionary antimicrobial Biocote®. This silver ion technology reduces microbes by 99.9% in just two hours to uphold a fully hygienic space.

BioFloor® smooth finish provides an easy-to-mop surface. Underfoot, the floor grips, transforming into a hazard-free surface. BioFloor® eradicates compromise between hygiene and safety.

BioFloor® has a high PVC content, making it easy to weld. A cellulose backing boasts superior bonding - even with water-based adhesives. The flexibility means BioFloor® is extremely easy to handle.

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